Saturday, October 20, 2007

Working on using the following theorem to prove the full Borodin-Kostochka conjecture.

Theorem: If G contains a doubly critical edge and satisfies chi >= Delta >= 6, then G contains a K_Delta.

So, the Borodin-Kostochka conjecture (and more) holds for graphs containing a doubly critical edge. This allows one to try to find a doubly critical edge instead of trying to find a big clique. This works to give a new proof of Brooks' theorem, but it gets intricate for the Borodin-Kostochka condition; however, there is a lot of room to play and it looks very promising (this all uses a decomposition theorem of Lovasz -- actually a modification of it by Catlin).




Brian Rabern said...

ich denke das dat dinge dar is nicht fur haben. ich passert das das ding in da fur fed besucht und den da sertert ed in gut guthure besutta!

Unknown said...

Dat is de manier van dingen.